North American Imperialism Analysis

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Imperialism Goals of the European Nations
The New World was once known to be the uncharted land of opportunities. It offered vast measures of land to expand on, an abundance of wealth and commerce. All three European nations had the same purpose and worked towards establishing colonies, spreading their religion, and the desire to improve on their mercantilism. British, French, and Spanish imperial goals in North America all differed slightly, but in unison had the same ambition: to subjugate.

The Spanish adventured into North America to seek mineral wealth and extract it for the vast prosperity in Spain. Initially, the Spanish gave a small consideration to colonizing and spent their time exploring for valuable metals. They collected and exported as much wealth as possible from Central, South America, and West Indies (FRQ 1, Information Sheet). By 1580, the Spanish had a desire to establish and defend the mercantilist policy. Therefore, they dedicated majority of their time and effort on extorting Mexican and Peruvian mineral capital to ship it back to Europe. When other European countries showed interest in North America, Spain responded by establishing permanent settlements. The Spanish’s imperialistic goal alternated from searching for raw minerals to …show more content…

Other motives, the English had, were to establish colonies, to generate welfare for investors, and preserving a concrete surplus of trade between their home country and colony. On the account of years of productive neglect, England’s American settlements developed their personal unique cultures and economies. Pioneers arrived to American colonies anticipating to improve their economic fortune or to procure more desirable religious or political freedom. Being rivals in Europe, Britain and France became rivals in North America as well. Essentially, having synonymous imperial goals, they fought for control of the

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