Normalization of DNA Using Duplex-Specific Nuclease

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Normalization of genomic DNA using duplex-specific nuclease

Whole genome shotgun sequencing (WGS) is a potent method for the study of reference sequences in genomes. It generates several sequence data, which result in overlapping sequences eventually. The aligning DNA sequences achieved overlapping sequence reads assembly into contigs, which could read through the computer program. Due to the presence of redundant repetitive sequences in small genomes, the WGS method is not applicable1 (cited in 1). Several methods have proposed to eradicate redundancy in plant genomes which depends on the hypermethylation tendency of repetitive sequences. The use of enzymes or to establish a genomic library could modify the genome, but it is restricted to limited plant genomes 2-4 (cited in 1). Another method proposed in this article called ‘high-C0t DNA analysis’ which is based on DNA renaturation kinetics. In this technique, genomic DNA is denatured and reannealing slowly and then, hydroxyapatite chromatography used for separation of dsDNA. With the help of detailed knowledge of DNA reassociation kinetics and proficiency in spectrophotometry, high-C0t DNA analysis can be applied to any genome5-7 (cited in 1).

Shagina and others, 2010 has discovered the application of duplex-specific nuclease (DSN) normalization technology for eukaryotic genomic DNA. It is a simple and effective method, based on hybridization kinetics excluding physical separation of ssDNA and dsDNA both. After re-association, denatured dsDNA contained repetitive sequence which hydrolyzed by DSN and PCR used for amplification of ssDNA which contain low copy molecules8, 9(cited in 1). DSN enzyme has isolated from the Kamchatka crab which is thermostable and specific to dsDNA10...

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