No Smoking While Pregnant

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During the periods of development from conception to birth are the most important and the most delicate periods in a child’s life to receive the best possible care and protection. Having a mother or father that exposes their child to cigarette smoke is one of the teratogens that the parents can control.
The reason that I was interested in this particular subject is because my son Larry, Jr. was born 6 weeks premature, weighing 3 lbs., and 7 ounces. While pregnant with my three children I did smoke with all three and Larry was the only one that was under weight, I always wondered if I had any effect on my child’s birth weight.
“The effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on children’s birth weight has been recognizes since 1957, the first report concerning the adverse effects of environmental tobacco smoke on children’s health was published in 1967”. “Since that time, 150 studies of the effects of environmental on respiratory illness in children alone have been published. “A similarly large, general newer body of work clearly links both prenatal maternal smoking and the environmental tobacco smoke exposure to ear infections, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), behavioral problems, and neurocognitive deficits” (Simpson, 1957).
“Aligne and Stoddard estimated the annual excess in deaths in children younger than 5 years as a result of tobacco smoke exposure at close to 6000, exceeding deaths as a result of all injuries combined”. “Children’s exposure to tobacco constituents during fetal development and via environmental tobacco smoke exposure during childhood is perhaps the most ubiquitous and hazardous of children’s environmental exposures” (Aligne, 1997).

“The negative consequences of maternal prenatal smoking on infant pren...

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...uences placental and fetal development, reduces birth weight, and affects lung and brain development”. “A low birth weight is associated with an increase in the incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, mellitus, insulin resistance, serum lipids, and premature pubrache” ( Arch Dis Child, 2003).
“Furthermore, prenatal passive smoking is thought to be a risk factor for a variety of neurodevelopmental and behavioral problems, such as reduced intellectual ability and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder” (Arch Dis Child, 2003).
Children do not have a say in adults smoking around them, or even before they are born. Adults should take the initiatives to ensure that the children have every opportunity to grow up in the absolute best environment that is available to them, so that their development progress at a normal stages.

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