Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing by Ted Conover and Inside: Life Behind Bars in America by Michael Santos

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Book Comparison: Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing by Ted Conover & Inside: Life Behind Bars in America by Michael Santos Ted Conover, an investigative journalist decided to investigate the conditions within Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. Taking his investigation to a new level, Conover applied to work as a corrections officer. This decision came after being repeatedly denied the opportunity to chronicle the life of a corrections officer in training by the New York State Department of Corrections. He used this experience to author his book Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing and give a first-hand account of life as a corrections officer. Conover goes on to describe the life of a corrections officer going through his first year of training and adjusting to the conditions within the prison. He further describes the interaction between corrections officer and inmate and how these interactions affected his own life. In comparison to Ted Conover and Newjack, Michael Santos in his book Inside: Life Behind Bars in America examines life in prison from an inmate’s perspective. While both Conover and Santos are examining a similar topic they have very differing points of view. Opposite of Conover, Santos describes corrections officers as menaces who use their power to manipulate and control the inmates. Santos also examines how violence was a major part of life in prison. Santos explains that violence was the only way to survive in prison and the only way to keep himself safe from other inmates. Neither Conover nor Santos paints a favorable picture of conditions within prison. In particular, Santos description of violence within prison shows a very disturbing setting for people to live. Santos describes a daily fight to remain safe and alive. ... ... middle of paper ... ...Santos spends a fair amount of time discussing the violence needed to survive. However, Santos also conveys a sense of need to reform the corrections system in America. This need for reform is actually strengthened by his overall negative perspective of incarceration displayed in his writings. Overall, both books, Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing and Inside: Life Behind Bars in America and both authors Ted Conover and Michael Santos, give unique perspectives of the life inside prison. Both for corrections officers and inmates, life within prison can be difficult. Both Conover and Santos did suggest many good changes to the correctional system that could improve the life of both inmates and corrections officers. Both authors were able to give unique perspectives due to their unique experiences and help to build upon many ideas within the study of corrections and prisons.

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