New Developments in Genetic Cloning

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New Developments in Genetic Cloning

Since genetic cloning is a very wide topic, the focus of my paper lies

mainly on the new discoveries which might be beneficial to human beings. The

focus of the first section of the paper is on the various cloning techniques

geneticists use nowadays. They techniques included range from the simplest and

suitable for all situations, to complicated and suitable for certain areas.

The second section of the paper, the longest section, discusses five of

the many researches performed over the last five years. The researches are

arranged in descending chronological order, dating from February 1997, to April

1992. These researches are discussed because they all have one thing in common:

they may be beneficial to human beings later on. For example, the newest entry

in my paper, and perhaps the one that shocked the whole world, was the report

about the first successful clone mammal from non-embryonic cells. This will be

helpful in the future for patients waiting for organ transplants. Scientists

will be able to clone a fully functional organ, and replace it with the damaged

one. The report on the cloning of the human's morphine receptor is advantageous

to us because this helps scientists to develop new analgesics.

The third section of the paper contains a brief discussion about the

advantages and the disadvantages of genetic cloning. It speculates how our

future will improve due to the technologies we are developing, and also the

biggest drawbacks which might come from it.

The last part of the paper, is the explanation of complicated terms used

in this paper. The terms which will be explained are printed in bold terms

throughout the paper. This section, the glossary, is like the ones which

appears in textbooks.

New Developments or Research in Genetic Cloning

Genetic cloning is one of the many aspects which has been recently

introduced to improve our quality of live. Researchers are trying to improve

our lives everyday applying genetic engineering onto our everyday lives. Cows

can be genetically altered to produce more milk, receptors in our body could be

cloned to improve our health. The techniques and new research reported in this

paper is just one tree out of the whole forest of genetic engineering.

Part I: Techniques of Genetic Cloning

Geneticists use different cloning methods for different purposes. The

method used to identify human diseases are different than the method used to

clone a sheep. The following are used techniques in genetic cloning.

Recombinant DNA

In recombinant DNA, the desired segment is clipped from the surrounding

DNA and copied millions of times.

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