New Deal Dbq Essay

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The Great Depression began in the United States on October 29, 1929 after “ Black Tuesday” known for the stock market crash which led to the Depression. During the Great Depression, many people lost their jobs, became poor, lost their homes, and starved. Two long term causes were failure in agriculture and industry failure in the railroad and coal industries. After World War I, demands of goods from the U.S to Europe dropped 40% and many farmers had an overproduction of food which caused a lot of extra food which the farmers could not sell. So when the farmers could not sell their crops, they fell into debt and as it got bigger, they had to take out a loan which caused the farmers to lose their land. However Hoover got elected in 1928, one …show more content…

The New Deal provided a lot of jobs for the unemployed which lowered the unemployment rate. In Document 5, it showed that in 1933 the rate was 20.6% and by 1939 it had dropped to 11.3 %. This was because the New Deal had many programs like the CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps, and PWA, Public Works Admin, to provide relief by offering jobs to those that were unemployed and homeless or those who were less fortunate. As people started to work and get money to provide for their families again, the unemployment rate continued to drop. The New Deal was also a success because it helped the elderly and children. Programs like Social Security helped the elderly by giving them a pension every month so that they can get money and pay for their necessity and not have to work and take up all the jobs from the youth or middle aged citizens. In Document 8, it showed that the elderly got monthly pensions that relieved them from their jobs. The WPA helped women and children to give them food. In Document 6, it showed that the WPA, Works Progress Administration, gave women jobs to serve warm meals while underfed children got fed so that they would not

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