Neurotransmitters And Addictions

778 Words2 Pages

The nervous system controls and organizes all parts of the body. The brain receives all the messages and tells the respective body parts to do their jobs. Neurons pass through the nervous system to receive and transfer messages in a form of an electrical impulse. In order for the brain to receive all the messages a special chemical known as neurotransmitters carries messages to the brain. There are many types of neurotransmitter such as dopamine, GABA, insulin etc. Neurotransmitters are found in between small gaps of neurons called the synapses. A neurotransmitter works by quickly moving over the synapse and joins to sites on other sides, in order to restart the electrical impulse. Later they are broken down and receive new messages. Neurotransmitters are important for our body to make responses but it can be damaged of destroyed by certain things such as drugs. There are many drugs that can affect them an example is cocaine and caffeine. There have been many effective solutions for these drugs but it is not proven to remove the effects on the body completely.

Drugs are substances that disturb this delicate balance, because they have “passkeys” that let them open certain “locks” located between the neurons. The brain automatically adjusts to these substances from outside the body by producing fewer of its own natural “keys”. Cocaine is type of drug that affects the dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is connected with emotions and noradrenalin is connected with alertness. Cocaine is considered as an illegal drug in most countries but some considered it as an legal drug. Although cocaine is an illegal drug earlier ancient people used to coonsider it as a medicine to treat many illness. Cocaine is absorbed in the dopamine and the...

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...o drug at all do some violence may take place etc. economical impacts is low labor force since many people are taking treatments, students taking drug abuse treatments would not be able to study, higher unemployment rate etc. Some health impacts of these treatments include anxiety, headache, depression etc.
Taking drugs is a bad influence for the society. It can harm people’s life and also change the way they behave. By not taking illegal drugs the human body can function more effectively and can bring better influence to the future society. Not taking drugs can do a lot it can make the neurotransmitters work, it can bring good influence to the society, it make a country have less crime scenes and can also make our body thankful to us by not destroying them etc. Don’t take drugs just to be popular or just to show off just by being a good citizen we can be popular.

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