Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Essay

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Neurofibromatosis Type II: The main manifestation of the disease is the development of symmetric, non-malignant brain tumors in the region of the cranial nerve VIII, which is the "auditory-vestibular nerve" that transmits sensory information from the inner ear to the brain. Most people with this condition also have visual problems. The principal treatments consist of neurosurgical removal of the tumors and surgical treatment of the eye lesions. The underlying disorder does not have any therapy due to the cell function caused by the genetic mutation (Striedinger et al., 2008). NF2 is inherited as an autosomal dominant condition, although half of affected patients have NF2 as a result of (de novo) gene mutation. Affected individuals need only 1 mutated or deleted NF2 gene to appear the signs of the condition (Beltrami …show more content…

Indeed, the first sign of more severe multi-tumour disease in early childhood is often a non-8th nerve tumour (including a cutaneous tumour), or an ocular presentation. Adult presentation is different than paediatric presentation, in which VS accounts for as little as 15–30% of initial symptoms. There also appears to be a tendency to mononeuropathy, particularly affecting the facial nerve causing a Bell's-like palsy, which does not fully recover years before the detection of a VS. Some children present with a polio-like illness with wasting of muscle groups in a lower limb, which again does not fully recover. In adulthood, a more generalised symptomtatic severe polyneuropathy occurs in about 3–5% of patients, often associated with an "onion bulb" appearance on nerve biopsy. This can progress, leading to severe muscle wasting and even death. However, around 40% of patients will show evidence of polyneuropathy on nerve conduction studies (Sperfeld et al.,

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