Negligence Case Essay

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Issues 1. Under Premises Liability, are the homeowners liable for injuries to Vicky? 2. Were Dwayne and Felix multiple necessary causes to negligence? Were they liable? 1.Negligence of Homeowner Injury: Vicky suffered a sufficient predicate physical injury of several serious beestings. Duty: The general rule for premises liability is that there is a duty to keep the premises in reasonably safe conditions. Vicky was a trespasser on the land because she had no express or implied consent to be there. In light of this relationship, because Vicky was a trespasser, under the traditional common law categories, there is no duty but to not willfully or wantonly harm the trespasser. Counter Argument: The homeowners were new to the home and had only …show more content…

Dwayne and Felix breached their duties to comply with the voluntary undertaking to the best of their ability by leaving Vicky on her own after they initiated administering aid and were aware she had suffered injury. Because they did not wait until Vicky was being adequately taken care of by emergency personnel and left her by the roadside after calling 911 for the ambulance they breached their duty. Res Ipsa Loquitor Doctrine: Vicky could argue for a res ipsa jury instruction however it is unlikely that it would be granted because she would be able to prove two of three necessary elements. Actual Cause-Multiple Necessary Causes: But for the concurrence of Felix and Dwayne moving Vicky, and Dwayne dropping Vicky, the shoulder and rotator cuff injuries would not have occurred. The actions of Dwayne and Felix moving Vicky’s body together were multiple necessary causes to the injury. Proximate Cause: The shoulder and rotator cuff injuries were within the scope of the risks that made us determine that the dropping of Vicky’s body was a breach. Because Dwayne dropped Vicky, Dwayne’s dropping of Vicky’s body proximately caused the injuries sustained. Felix’s carrying of the body was a cause in fact but not the proximate cause of the injuries Vicky

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