Negative Message Of My Family

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Simiranjot Singh FAMILY COMMUNICATION WORKSHEET FAMILY DESCRIPTION: -Kulwant, mom -Sunny, brother-in-law -Amira, niece -Harvinder, dad -Mindy, sister-in-law -Amar, brother -Devan, nephew -Navreet, sister -Ranvir, brother FORMATIVE FAMILY MESSAGES: Formative Message 1: One positive formative message I always got from my family is, “You’re the smart one out of the family.” When I was young, I always used to get good grades and receive academic awards. Whenever I would receive an award, my mom would always say, “Good job, I know, one day you’ll be someone great.” My dad also used to say, “One day you’ll become a nurse, doctor, or lawyer.” My siblings joined once in a while to by saying, “Here comes the smarty pants, or here comes Miss. Know …show more content…

When I was younger, we were a very high conversation orientation family. We would always express our thoughts and emotions, but as we got older we began to get a little more low conversation orientation in some topics. Obviously as we were kids there were no relationships, so no talk about sex. Now that all of my sibling are married or engaged they have a significant other. Even though they have significant others, there is no way any of us would talk about each other’s relationships or sex life. Other than sex and relationship my family is still high conversation orientation. Advantages and Disadvantages: The advantage of having a high conversation orientation family is that you are allowed to express yourself. You can voice your opinion on something you do not agree with and always have someone to talk to. A disadvantage to having a high orientation family is that everyone knows your business. Chances are if something embarrassing happens to me and I tell one of my family member, the rest of my family will know by the end of the day. It’s also very hard to keep secrets in these types of families because everyone will realize your hiding something just by the way your acting. Conformity

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