Negative Essay On Transgender

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Picture this, a YA cliché dystopian world, full of arbitrary rules and unexplained plot points for instance; in this world people are placed into one of two specific categories at birth depending on physical attributes they have no control over. These people will be raised, taught and treated differently by society depending on which label they are presented with. Some however know that their identity does not match the label they were given, these people are turned into outcasts and hated by the very society that causes their woes. This world is our own.
48% of transgender people under the age of 26 have attempted suicide. This is a fact an unchangeable and frankly terrifying statistic but this fact cannot explain why. Our society has become all too comfortable choosing fear and hatred over any attempt to understand that which we do not immediately comprehend. We see anything that exists outside …show more content…

The slight crack we have made into a mountain of a problem will not solve everything. It cannot stop all ignorance. The word Transgender is an umbrella term for an incredible amount of different labels all of which are different and many of which overlap somewhat, its okay to be confused but there is no excuse to not to attempt to educate yourself. The resources are varied and plentiful. No one is expected to immediately know the difference between agender and neutrios, they 're such similar terms and can apply differently to different people, as many of these words do, but Google is your greatest ally in situations such as these. If the world refuses to educate us then we have a responsibility to educate ourselves and (not to go too spider-man) with the power of that knowledge comes more responsibility, the responsibility to pass it on, to share it, to not laugh at uninformed jokes and to make society a safer place one person at

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