Negative Essay On HIV

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AIDS is a noteworthy threat to each sexually active individual who is not in a long standing, commonly monogamous relationship. It is a real life problem to each individual who has kids or is considering having a child, each individual who is a sexually unpracticed adolescent, and each individual who has AIDS. Before an individual is diagnosed with AIDS they experience what is known as HIV. HIV also known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the infection that causes AIDS. With that being said, being HIV-positive, or having HIV illness, is not the same as having AIDS. At the point when a man is contaminated with HIV the immune system tries to battle off the infection and makes a few antibodies, however these antibodies are no match for HIV. A few individuals don 't feel sick at all when they first contract the disease and may have no side effects for quite a while. HIV bit by bit obliterates the immune system of the sick individual. The more the immune system gears up to battle contaminations or infection, the more HIV recreates. After years and years of fighting, the immune system turns out to be so feeble or insufficient that it can 't battle off …show more content…

When I was younger and ignorant about this topic I would believe that you were going to die from the disease. Now with people like Magic Johnson and Charlie Sheen living their lives like normal day people, my views have changed. It’s good to know that we have made advancements with medicine to the extent that we can help save lives, but I also feel this has contributed to negligence by people. I’m not insinuating that anyone would willingly want to contract HIV/AIDS but since death isn’t for certain it has attributed to more risky behavior like unprotected sex and multiple sexual partners. Even though information about HIV can be found anywhere people will continue to toe the line with

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