Negative Essay On Donald Trump

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Throughout the United States, and many other places around the world, the name Donald Trump is easily recognizable. Trump, who is running in the 2016 presidential campaign, is famous for his desired immigration policy. Some people, mostly Republicans, support his view on immigration on the method in which way unauthorized immigrants should be dealt with. Others, mostly Democrats, believe he is wrong and unjust. Immigration policy has come to even more people’s attention lately because of its potential future if Trump is president. Throughout history, however, immigration has always been a conflict in the United States. For example, in 1795, the Naturalization Act allowed only free white people who had lived in the United States for over five …show more content…

As years went by, citizenship status began being more inclusive, yet some anti-immigrant movements would take place, such as the Oriental Exclusion Act (Mears). This act prohibited most people in Asia from migrating to the United States: “foreign-born wives and children of U.S. citizens of Chinese well as actual family immigration” was not allowed (Mears). Since the Oriental Exclusion Act restricted only families in Asia from migrating to the United States, many employers took to hiring people in Mexico and Central American countries as a source of cheap labor, which is one of the reasons as to why today there is a large group of Mexican immigrants living in the United States. Today, this immigration group is now being targeted, as can be seen through the presidential campaign of Donald …show more content…

State governments have the power to regulate the education, employment, health, law enforcement, public benefits, and driver’s licenses for the unauthorized immigrants living in each state (Morse, et. al.). However, the states are not allowed to pass laws that will violate the civil rights of the people living in that state; the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment “prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” (“Equal Protection”). This clause prevents people from being denied the right of a law that is granted to everyone else. In the case of immigration, there are laws passed that specifically apply to unauthorized immigrants. However, there are other laws, such as in the case of Plyler v. Doe, where a state’s law that is supposed to apply to everyone, gets neglected from immigrants. In this case, the restriction placed on immigrants and their right to attend a public school without documents proving their authorization in this country is in violation of the Equal Protection Clause; thus, the Supreme Court declared “states cannot constitutionally deny students a free public education on account of their immigration status” (“Public Education for Immigrant Students: States Challenge

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