Negative Essay On Censorship

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What is censorship? According the American Civil Liberties Union, censorship is defined as “the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive."” This is a very broad definition because any part of anything put out for the world, while you may not be offended by it, someone around you may. Instead of just ignoring the words or the images, many people try to force their ideas and beliefs on others. This falls into the “If I don’t like what I see, then no one can see it” category. This is the same for books. Certain people found the Harry Potter books, for example, offensive and wanted them banned because they allegedly promoted witchcraft and the devil. They were unsuccessful in getting them banned, but it just shows how groups of people wish to stifle creativity and art simply because they do not like it for whatever reason. (Index On Censorship) Many people think censorship currently is a good thing because it stifles others as to not offend the status quo. I would like to enlighten others by showing that having free flowing of ideas and opinions is what makes our country great. Censorship has been going on as far back as 300 AD when the first …show more content…

Many people have fought the long, hard battle to have our right to say and write whatever we want without fear of reprisal. One argument for censorship is that those who spout hate and bigotry should not have the right to say anything they want. You may not agree with their views or their politics, but they do have the right as American citizens to say what they want, even if a vast majority of the country disagrees. That is the beauty of our country. We set the standard for what all other countries want to be. They want free press. They want free speech. They want to be able to say what they are thinking without fear of being killed the next

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