Negative Essay: How Can Lung Cancer Affect You?

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How can lung cancer affect you? Lung cancer is a disease in which cells in your body grow out of control, which starts in your lungs. This type of cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and also the second most diagnosed cancer for both men and women in the United States. “In 2011, 14% of all cancer diagnosed 27% of all cancer deaths were due to this disease.” (Basic Information about Lung Cancer, 2014) “The American society’s estimates for lung cancer in the United States for 2015 are about 221,200 new cases of lung cancer and about 158,040 deaths from lung cancer.” (How Many People Get Lung Cancer, 2014) in 2012 lung cancer was the 4th most frequent cancer in the city of India, Globsocan. In the population of India there are about 1 …show more content…

Having cancer affects your life in many different ways. When you have cancer you are limited to activities you can do or even how long you can do it. Having any type of cancer can limit how long you live and it can also put you in some difficult times throughout the rest of your life. With cancer you will suffer depending on the type of cancer you have and where it is located at. Having this sickness can also make you tired more often than normal and it also can give you pain throughout your life. Lung cancer has two major types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. “Small cell lung cancer is very strongly related with cigarettes smoking with only 1% of these tumors occurring in non-smokers.” (Types of lung cancer, 2013) Each one of these grows differently and is treated differently as …show more content…

Most patients are diagnosed by using limited cytology and small amounts of biopsy material. (Zakowski, 2013) One way is by smoking, which is the number one factor for lung cancer. U.S. cigarette smoking linked about 90% lung cancer. Also using tobacco products such as cigars or pipes; they also increase the risk for lung cancer. Another way is secondhand smoke, which is smoke of other people’s cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. They inhale the smoke as like if there smoking it directly. “In U.S. 2 out of 5 who don’t smoke, half children that are exposed to it and about 7,000 people who never smoke die from lung cancer due to secondhand smoke every year.” (Lung Cancer, 2014) Another way is radon, a gas that comes from rocks, dust, and can get trapped in houses and buildings. You cannot see it, taste it, or even smell it, according to the U.S. Environment Protection

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