Negative Effects Of Technology On Children

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Technology definitely has an impact on children. It is everywhere and unfortunately if we do not live deep in the woods, cannot escape from it. There are some positive impacts on children, but there are many more negative impacts as well.
Many psychologists spent hours talking about technology’s effects on children. Melissa Westendorf is one of them. She wrote a book, called ‘Unplug: Raising Kids in a Technology Addicted World’, in which she talks about not how to turn children off technology but how to use it in a better way. Westendorf does that explaining mostly the negative effects from technology.
Similarly to Melissa Westendorf, many other psychologists have done researches like hers, showing that although technology can be very helpful …show more content…

Another problem is that children who use technology, don’t learn how to interact with people. A child psychologist, Melissa Ortega says that children use their phones all the time to escape from conversations with people around them. She says that children haven’t developed their face-to-face communicational skills and they don’t know what to do when someone tries to start a conversation when they are in an elevator, for example. She has noticed that even when children talk to her they constantly check their phones for message every 2 minutes. Children have more friends online than offline. Technology makes children addicted and they have the need to use it all the time, either playing games or checking social …show more content…

One of them, is teaching their children that they don’t need to use technology all the time to be happy and have a good social life. Of course they mustn’t forbid it because what’s forbidden is the sweetest. They simply have to show their child that they can have fun while doing sports, reading a book or hanging out with friends, actually talking to them face-to-face.
Consequently many schools don’t allow children to use technology whilst they are at school, although more and more start using technology as a method of educating. And that’s where the dilemma comes, because it’s much easier educating children, thanks to all the educational applications. The problem is that children get distracted while they use technology because they are tempted to check their social media. However, there is a solution for that problem. Schools’ IT experts can block social media and that way children won’t be able to use them.
Technology impacts mostly young people who sometimes become even obsessed with it. They can’t be without any kind of technology for even an hour. To help themselves, they have to find something that interests them but which is not connected with using technology. When they start doing it, they’ll see that they don’t need to use technology all the

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