Negative Effects Of Parental Divorce

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The purpose of this literature review is to inform readers about the effects of parental divorce. As concluded, the three main causes of distress in children due to divorce is parental absence, economic disadvantage, and family conflict (Amato, P. R., & Keith, B., 1991). Aside from this, it is also important to mention at what stage did the parental divorce happen, this can greatly effect a child’s cognitive development. Parental absence can lead to a decline in support from the custodial and noncustodial, which later has an effect on the child’s self and external perception (Amato, 1991). Economic disadvantage is due to a lack of income from two individuals within one house, developmental problems can arise when a child is not exposed to positive resources (McLanahan, 1989). Family conflict can put an emotional strain on a child’s well-being, especially when this hostility is put upon by their parents, this can lead to later psychological problems that interfere with later life (Emery, 1982).

Effects of Parental Divorce: A Child’s …show more content…

Children in this early stage of developmental may be exceptionally sensitive to any vast disruptions of parental figure’s presence because the child’s internal working models are still in the process of fully developing (Bowlby, 1988). During a disruption in the child’s life, such as parental separation during a divorce, the child must become familiar to limited or no availability of both or one parent. Repeated separation the child’s primary caregiver, as a result of divorce, may predict a chaotic attachment style, made worse by parental conflict (Solomon & George, 1999). Once the neural foundation of attachment is established, this attachment is followed throughout the child’s life course, and can lead into an attachment formation in early adulthood (Hazan & Shaver,

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