Negative Effects Of Bullying

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Bullying is an act that is an everyday occurrence in some people’s lives. Bullying can be direct or indirect. What this means, is that bullying can be in the form of violence such as hitting and kicking, or in the form of verbal abuse such as name calling and teasing. Manipulation and exclusion are also forms of bullying. Bullying can be taken into consideration as a minor assault, but any form should be taken seriously. Whether it is taken to an extreme, done over a long or short period of time, or only a one-time thing, bullying is bullying and should not be tolerated. I have heard about an episode of bullying myself. My friend back in elementary school was telling me how she witnessed her friend being bullied almost every day during school. The victim was a young boy who was teased about the way he stuttered and was shoved around after class for raising his hand. This went on for about a whole school year until I was told that he finally stood up for himself. He told a counselor what was going on and what he had been through. The counselor immediately told the principle and action was taken. This resulted in a school wide intervention. Fortunately, this young boy was brave enough to stand up for himself and seek out help. Unfortunately, …show more content…

These negative factors do not only affect the victim, but the bully and the environment in which the bullying is taking place. Studies about the effects of bullying show that those who bully are more likely to drop out of school and less likely to attend school regularly. Research also shows that those who bully are at a higher probability to be involved with violence, criminality, and delinquency in their future. Bullying can lead to low self-esteem and confidence, poor concentration, depression, illnesses, isolation, physiological and health problems, and suicide. It also takes away from the safe and educational environment of a school

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