Natural Law vs. Progressivism

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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are three rights that everyone seems to know right away. Every American is indoctrinated with these truths which also are the basis to the founding of the United States of America. The framers of the Declaration of Independence believed in natural law and nature’s God. The founders excelled in reason and paid attention to science but they worshiped neither. The recent progressive movement in America tries to undermine Natural Law and substitute it with a relative sense of truth and morality. Natural Law permeates through all our founding ideals while progressivism (which is becoming more and more prominent with every generation) perverts the founding of our rights and reason with anti-religious views. Science and reason are two very important parts of a civil society. When looked at separately they both fall short of being able to explain themselves. That is reason cannot solely rely on itself to explain why there is reason. The same logic goes for science too. It simply cannot explain why it exists. Science cannot explain the spiritual aspect of humans. When Atheists try to rely solely on science for explanations they completely ignore rational reason. Reason tends to show men their own limitations, which in turn leads man to believe in a greater force or supernatural being (Levin 2009, 24). Natural law (articulated best by John Locke) promotes the idea that humans are a spiritual being who are bound to a transcendent moral order established by Divine Providence. In other words, God’s laws of humanity, justice, and equity are supreme to any law man himself can make. Edmund Burke, a political philosopher during the time of the French Revolution, says that this moral or... ... middle of paper ... ...t. Religion must be wiped away for the people to forget that they have inalienable right. Then the progressive can step in and claim to be the all-powerful and only knowledgeable force in existence. Over time many forget where their rights derive from. History has shown that people can be swayed much easier through troubling times like during the great depression. Progressives fight the Christian founding of our nation which is found in natural law. Works Cited Levin, Mark. “Ameritopia”. New York, NY: Threshold Editions, 2012. Print. Levin, Mark. “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto”. New York, NY: Threshold Editions, 2009. Print. Seagrave, S. Adam. "How Old Are Modern Rights? On The Lockean Roots Of Contemporary Human Rights Discourse." Journal Of The History Of Ideas 72.2 (2011): 305-327. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Mar. 2012.

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