Native American Indians And Native Americans

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Being from Mexico and learning how the Spanish conquistadors arrived and blended immediately with the Indians into a mestizo culture, it is extremely interesting how in North America European Americans and the indigenous people by no means would coexist peacefully and merge into a new culture. I have now learned about the conquering of the new world both north of the Rio Grande and south of it, and I have concluded that north of the US-Mexico border the indigenous population had no chance at all for survival or establishing an independent nation. Thousands of years without exposure and inexperience at war or epidemic diseases led to evolving disparities, which caused the downfall and conquest of the indigenous people at the hands of the European Americans. Other factors such as inferior technology, ideological and moral differences, tribal disputes, and American land policies had a profound effect on the Native Americans on their attempt to maintain or establish an independent nation. Early American historical events show us that Native Americans and Europeans could not coexist, and the clashes between these two groups were going to be inevitable. American Europeans had a conquering mentality that differed greatly from the mentality of the Native Americans (or even from the Spanish Conquistadors who arrived with a mentality of converting and blending into mestizaje), who had found that there was room enough for all to settle, with fights over ground being very sporadic. Also, most groups of European Americans interacted and shared a common religious, language, and cultural heritage that made them a strong centralized force. Unlike the American Europeans, the indigenous people only interacted with one another when they occasionall... ... middle of paper ... ... plus the fact that they never developed weapons, combined with their lack of immunity to the diseases introduced by the old world, which led the Indians, who were enormously superior in number, to a humiliating defeat. I have concluded after learning extensively about the relationship Indians vs. European Americans that the years without war paused the Indian ability to innovate the technology to not only defend but also protect themselves. Likewise, their isolation, and the inexistence of herding animals caused the Indians to have inadequate natural defenses against the mortal and epidemic diseases. The combination of the previously mentioned factors destroyed any opportunity that the Indians had for survival despite their superiority in number with the European Americans. Finally, after all the knowledge gained, the European American triumph was meant to happen.

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