Nations Should Promote Globalization, Not Localization

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Globalization and localization are two conflicting trends in international politics today. Globalization is the spread of peoples, activities, norms, ideas, goods, services, and currencies from one area of the world to another. (Rosenau 15) Localization is the narrowing of horizons and the confinement of peoples, activities, norms, ideas, goods, services, and currencies to a particular geographic area. (Rosenau 16) Globalization and localization affect the world’s countries in three main areas, politics, economics, and culture. Both globalization and localization have many benefits, as well as many costs.

Globalization is a predominant force in the world today. The development of the Internet and other far-reaching communication media has lead to the increased interaction of the countries of the world. There are many benefits of global integration. With globalization comes increased trade, and the expansion of production and investments beyond their prior locales. Globalizing dynamics underlie all developments of international organizations and political movements. Globalization also extends ideas, social norms, and practices beyond the settings in which they originated. (Rosenau 17)

Even though there are many benefits of globalization, countries and their citizens also give up some things. Often local culture loses out to foreign influence. For example, the increased popularity of American fast food restaurants in France has lead to the reduction of the number of cafés, less than 175,000 today compared with 500,000 in 1920. Many countries are afraid that with the benefits of increased trade of goods and ideas, traditional customs and ways of thinking will be replaced with foreign customs and ideas. Another negative effect ...

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...ay that they are changing, only now a worldwide culture is developing. I think that globalization is a relatively new system of world economics and politics, and like any new system there are problems, such as the inability to prevent and stop economic crises, that will eventually be solved. I think that the things gained through localization are of secondary importance because very few people benefit from localization while all people in the world benefit from globalization.

Works Cited

Crane, David. "Globalization Faces Dangerous Backlash." Toronto Star

6 October 1998: 1.

Crossette, Barbara. "France Detects Iraqi Nerve Gas, Experts Assert.

Traces on Warheads—Delay of Report Seen." New York Times

7 October 1998: A1

Rosenau, James N. "The Complexities and Contradictions of

Globalization." Annual Editions World Politics 98/99.

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