Negative Effects Of Nationalism

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Nationalism plays a major role in the politics world and established as a fundamental aspect to endorse equality. The way people perceive nationalism is that “all members of a nation or citizens of a state are held together by (imagined) sense of kindship, which makes all of us having something in common such as shared sense of identity and values”. In contrast, the state is defined as a political group, while the nation is a cultural group where the nation of different nationalities can increase in many different parts of the world. The quotation outlines, although nationalism has a positive impact, there is a negative side to where non-whites are being mistreated and judged because of their skin colour or religion and appearances. Nationalism …show more content…

The negative effects to nationalism outlines that societies decisions lack opportunity for those who aren’t known as Australian’s only because they are different to the rest of the whites and establishes an intense lack of diversity of opinions, which results in allegations of …show more content…

Gender roles are social constructions framed around social constructions of biology and these sets of social constructions, although connected in diverse ways are always in flux and differ from one social context to another”. It is frequently considered to be changeable across time and space due to experiences. Being masculine and feminine is socially constructed based on what society expects of a person identified by sex and the norms that surround us. Like girls and boys are expected to behave in a particular way within an established set of norms and how they appear to look, which shows how masculine or feminine they are. It is enacted through relations and by comparing the differences between the two. The difference between masculinity and femininity is that masculine is portrayed as using superior strength to work or with activities, to be sporty, tough and manly with muscles or beards. They idealise themselves as being attracted to women. Being feminine is having the perfect body that attracts men, make-up, using skills to nurture and being more emotional. While some fail to be masculine or feminine, it leads to bullying and violence because of the way society views them as what the expectations are in being male and female. In society a person’s sex cannot change from birth, but their gender can. Like we have the

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