National Junior Honor Society Inductions

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My Speech It was almost the end of eighth grade. The sun was out longer and the general joy of school about to end was in the air. Tests were over, most everything was over for the year. That was except for National Junior Honor Society inductions. NJHS is a program where kids with a good academic record come together to do various projects for our school. We were inducting new members into the program. It was a formal event with a solemn mood. For me, that event would have been mostly uneventful. We would just pass on lit candles to the new sixth and seventh graders. The officers, who were elected at the beginning of the year, would make speeches, but luckily, I wasn't one of them. Maybe I should explain, I was absolutely terrified of even …show more content…

Too loud?" I would always dread even presenting a project in class. It would make me nervous for the whole day. But back to the story. Like I said, it was just going to be a normal day. About a week before the event, we had a rehearsal for the induction in our gym. There, we practiced how we would walk down the rows with the new members and pass candles to them. While we practiced, Ms. Birmingham, our NJHS director approached me. "Hey, I have a question, do you mind presenting a speech, do you mind presenting a speech? Some of our officers can’t make it to the induction.” I thought about it. The immediate reaction in my head was no, but I thought about it. I could decline and not worry about it. I felt bad though, plus this was a one in a lifetime chance to face my fear. Out of a random burst of courage, I accepted. Over the next week, I practiced a ton, repeatedly recording myself and watching myself in the mirror. I hated how I sounded. I hated how I looked. I thought about just letting it go, not doing it. It would of been so easy to quit, just to tell the director I couldn’t do it, but I never gave in. I knew it wouldn’t be right. Moreover, who would she find to present the speech so

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