My personal education Philosophy

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My Special Education Philosophy
Understanding the philosophy, ideologies, and theories of education is important in becoming familiar with the world of an educator. At the same time this discovery can be very confusing and cause stumbling blocks to a person’s growth as a teacher if one tries to adapt to someone else’s philosophy before establishing their own.
This is significant to understand when one realizes that the relationship between philosophy and education forms the basis that allows the function of us to agree that comparative philosophy and comparative education have much to offer each other, in short, they work together. We all have ways in which we view the learning process and because of this one must embrace all branches and/or implement several theories in one’s practice. This is necessary to know that one’s philosophy of life and philosophy of education is interdependent and provides “a foundation for one’s view of life, as well as one’s view of teaching”, it will differ especially over time.
Stated in another way philosophy and education are also components that coincide with one another. For instance, if a person can agree with the philosophic system they would recognize a hosts of educational practices as harmonizing or clashing with it, in precisely the same way as children imitate their parents. It is not until a parent see a child become the portrayal of themselves in action and in thoughts that they see their ugliness or their goodness. Education is our source of learning and philosophy is how we choose to apply it in our daily lives.
Take the time to reflect on the interviews. Each teacher and principal gave their opinions based on their view of life and let me add, their belief system. All the answe...

... middle of paper ... in order to understand better and more so that during the next plateau of learning the mind is developed to hold more and apply more”. (T.Alandou, Education Philosophy and Rationale, GCU EDU-215 Week 3 Paper, 4/3.2011)
In Closing, my mission is to become an extraordinary teacher in preparing students for life through and beyond school using their skills and abilities to make it their own. Proving that learning is truly an exciting adventure. The purpose and goal would be to get them to love to learn and understand that it would be a life-long process. The curriculum would be to build around the subject matters formulating an authority, so that while instructing I could influence them by a combination of components from different philosophies. This would make the value of learning a true foundation in which the students and one could build upon one’s ethics.

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