My Weaknesses

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Throughout all my schooling years and all the classes I have ever taken, I always thought I took the best notes and managed my time the best I could. Little did I know that I was doing it all wrong. I never had a specific time for any of my studies and always went based off of whatever I was in the mood for. When I was able to fuller comprehend the concept and lesson of what we were taking I was oddly good at test taking. I thought I was always bad at test taking but through trying different methods pre testing, I found out that the best thing to do is to not stress and take three deep breaths. Doing this relaxed me and allowed me to focus on the test. I also used to pretend that the test was busy work so the word “test” did not intimidate me. …show more content…

My biggest weakness must be my time managing skills. Reading through the different ways of managing times and actually recording how I manage my time, I found out that I spend too much time driving and going out with friends more than focus on school and

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