My Weakness Is My Strength

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I believe my strengths and weakness are intertwined, in the sense that without my weaknesses there would be no opportunity for me to be made strong. In saying this I would be ignorant if I overlooked my flaws completely, which is why I believe in doing regular self-evaluations to discover those areas that I should grow in to become a well-rounded woman. A few of my flaws consist of: the desire to over communicate, caring too much about others, and over thinking situations or problems. With every weakness, if pride doesn’t overshadow reasoning, there is a path that we all must journey on to accomplish satisfaction of who we are at that point in our lives ,whether we have accepted the transition along the way or allowed stubbornness to hinder our growth. We all have the same options to make our weaknesses into our assets. It all boils down to the person’s personal preference; I choose to evolve in my weaknesses.
My biggest problem has always been my mouth. My mother would say to my teachers, her friends, and co-workers, “I don’t understand why my daughter talks so much, because I am a quiet person and she obviously didn’t pick up the obsession to talk from me.” I am not exactly sure how this habit started because most of the people in my household are anti-social and do not like to communicate. My family thinks that I am a very odd person because I am extremely different from anyone else they have met. Although, I look at my willingness to chat as a positive thing, many people do not, because they have noticed that my tendency to talk over-powers my ability to listen. This became a growing problem as I got older because listening became the most important part of having an honest dialogue. I began to practice my listening skills by...

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... one topic trying to make sense of it in my thought process. After a while, I realized that there are things in life that would never make sense. The world is too big for my little mind to comprehend. I should not spend a large amount of time thinking about the mysteries of life. These mysteries are what make life interesting and trying to understand all of it will take away the element of surprise. I now have learned to appreciate life as it is; in all its splendor and mystery.
The ability to grow gives all humans the opportunity to grow. What each individual does with his or her chance is based on his or her preference. I prefer to evaluate myself, learn who I am, and grow each day that I live. I will never be perfect but I will be the best me that I can be by working on my weaknesses and loving myself enough to push forward in life no matter how hard it can be.

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