Vision In Nursing Practice: My Vision For The Future

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It allows us the space to explore our inward life and develop awareness of our spiritual being. It supports our self-care and it strengthens our capacity to truly engage in therapeutic nurse-patient relationships. This makes it possible for us to develop the habit over time of being truly still and 'listening ' to our inward self. It allows us the space to explore our inward life and develop awareness of our spiritual being. It supports our self-care. And, it strengthens our capacity to truly engage in therapeutic nurse-patient relationships.

Vision for the Future
My vision for nursing practice focuses not just what my long term goals are but by doing what is in the best interest of my patient. I strive to build a relationship one is trust …show more content…

These various characteristics help to avoid some avoidable mistakes that can be unforeseen. I have quite some strengths that has helped me so far in my nursing career and has also helped me to be one of the best nurses around. Braveness is one important strength that I have that has helped me in my nursing career. Braveness has propelled me to be able to accept any challenges and to be able to face it in my nursing practice. I am not afraid to explore different areas in nursing due to this distinctive strength that I possess. The strength has also helped me in furthering my education without fear of failing in my chosen …show more content…

My greatest weakness is being able to say no. due to the energetic person that I am, I tend to take on tasks that are required of me and even beyond me. I view it this way of not wanting to appear negative or a lazy person when I say no. This in turn creates lots of stress and pressure in me due to my effort to get things done even when it is not convenient. I am currently working on this weakness and learning how to politely refuse tasks when am over stressed. Being over stressed reduces the quality of care given to patients and that is why I only plan to embark on tasks that I could finish at a time, rather than taking numerous that I would perform poorly in. This would help my nursing career as I would able to provide great and quality care to my patients due to me focusing on one task at a time and giving in my best to

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