My Philosophy of Education

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My Philosophy of Education

Growing up in a rural community there is seldom much to do, especially having no real close neighbors, whom you could call up and say come on over, due to the fact they would actually have to walk that “country mile.” Therefore, I had a lot of time on my hands as a young child and did various things to pass the time away, you see, when I was younger I never though the summer would end so I could go back to school and see all of my friends again. I cannot recollect when school became more than just about seeing your friends after a long summer, but gradually it did. As the summers wore on, I began to read more and actually enjoy the things I was reading, not because I had to, but because they meant something to me after a while. After about my sixth grade year, I got to start helping my younger sister and brother with their homework, and I was absolutely amazed that I could actually teach them something. Later on in school, I got to be in a program that helped children who were slower and needed a little more time and attention on the smallest of details. It was then, that I realized I wanted to become a teacher. Not just any teacher, but an English teacher.

As with any decision I will make in my life, I had to decide what kind of English teacher I wanted to be. Did I want to be the student’s best friend, the one they felt safe talking to and confiding in? Do I want to be the teacher whose class they all love to come to because they know that I will be ever so lenient with the reasons upon why their homework is not finished? Do I want to be the teacher that everyone dreads going to talk for any reason, even if they only forgot their homework in their locker and ...

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... who is on the wrong path, or just is in need of a little guidance that if I can make a positive environment for that student to enter into every day of the week, that it will alter his behavior. I truly believe that a student or any human being of any age can be shaped and changed by their environment. I attain this aspect of education from the behaviorism philosophy.

The above-mentioned statements are how I intend to run my classroom and what I aim to set my expectations for my students at. I believe that each student has great potential and will be the best they can be given the right circumstances they could very well be the next President of the United States. Not only do I believe in the above-mentioned philosophies, but they are they teacher that I strive to be one day. Not only will I strive to be that teacher, but I will be that teacher.

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