My Personal And Academic Goals: My Definition Of Success

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Everyone has dreams and goals that they hope to accomplish someday. We all have someone we look up to and hope to be like someday. Someone of us become like that person while others continue to simply dream to be like that person. So why are some people successful, while others aren’t? People aren’t chosen to be or not to be successful at birth, they work to get there. Everyone’s definition of success is different. For some that it is money, while for others it be could health and stability. I think it is very important to take the time and to think about what success means to us. Success for me is to accomplish my personal and academic goals, and live a life full of laughs and hugs. I know that accomplishing my goals will not be easy, but …show more content…

This is why goal setting is so important. When you have goals, you have directions towards where you’re going. What’s even better is if you put your goals on paper. Having it on paper reminds you constantly that you want to get there. It’s also very important to remember to make attainable goals because if you make unattainable, you won’t even get halfway there. When your goals are possible you can easy come up with steps that will help you get. The process might be long but it is worth it. It is also helpful to set short term goals, such as getting all A’s in your sciences courses. This helps you make sure you are on track to accomplish your long term goal. Setting goals has definitely helped me both personally and academically. At the beginning of my senior year in high school I knew I was to go to college and be a nurse and be successful. I didn’t know how long it was going to take or what college I was going to go to. I thought that time would eventually decide for. Maybe that’s true, but time wouldn’t of chosen what was best for me. Luckily, I got into the Future nurses program, which already has planned out everything for. After seeing all the classes I was going to take I realized the importance of I setting goals and knowing how to get there. Obviously becoming an RN will take long, but now that I know exactly what classes I’m going to take, it will be easier. I even know approximately how long it …show more content…

Every person is unique and learns differently. When I found out that was a visual listener everything made sense. I understood why I hated when teachers read out loud and asks us to take notes. I always preferred seeing the notes rather than hearing. I had always thought that it was because the teacher was going to fast or that she or he wasn’t speaking clearly. I really struggled during these times. Now that I am aware that I am a visual learner, I know ways to study. I know that I have see my notes in order to remember it. It is also very important for me to highlight or underline key words or events because when I go over my notes, I know that it is something I should remember. For visual learners it is also very helpful to color code and use pictures to remember vocabulary words or other things. I always thought that flashcards were useless, but now that I have started using it for my vocabulary words, the tests have become fairly easy. Flashcards can help auditory learners and visual learners because you read it out loud and see it at the same time. In addition, I am also tactile learner, which means I have to move in order to learn. Whenever I’m writing an essay or writing my notes I have to move my feet back and forth. Sometime I don’t even realize it, but it helps me relax and concentrate. Knowing the type of learner you are can definitely help your succeed not only in college, but also throughout your

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