A Comparison Of The Happiest Memories Of My Life

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The very first memories of my childhood begin with my mother, my grandmother, and my sister. You could say that the women in my life have made an impact on me. They are the very glue that holds our family together. It seems like the day of your graduation should be one of the happiest memories of your life. That’s not exactly true for me. My graduation went along perfectly, and it would have been a nice day had some specific events not had taken place that afternoon. I graduated high school in 2015 on the 6th of June, the day after the last day of high school. I had stayed up the entire night before because I was so upset. I had been slowly working myself into an anxiety attack the whole night because I was so petrified of walking the stage in front of so many people, and yet I was excited to finally be done with high school and to hopefully never have to see any of those horrifying people again. After getting up and stressing my way out the front door of my apartment I made my way to my car and began the 2 hour traffic filled trek to the coliseum at the University of North Texas. Graduation went by exceptionally slowly, most likely due to the fact that we had to sit outside in the blistering sun for an hour at 9am (reminder that formal wear and graduation caps …show more content…

Maybe be more religious? My grandmother definitely seems so sure of herself in times like these. Maybe I should go to the doctor more often? I think I would rather just die quietly. I should just spend time with her right? This might sound cheesy but every day is a gift and we take it for granted. Especially with the more elderly members of our families, we never associate our families with death because usually we don 't have too, and then when you do it could be too late. So I know now I cant take any day for granted when it comes to my family and I need to spend time with them more because no one can ever really know when their last day could

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