The Effects of Hardiness

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Hardiness and Demographics


Demographics such as age, education, marital status, number of children, and even race and religion are variables that are commonly associated with many aspects of life. These variables are taken into account in studies concerning many topics. The demographics of age, education and marital status, along with the personality disposition of hardiness will be examined in the following section. There has not been much research conducted concerning hardiness and demographics so the evidence presented here is important as it can begin to shed light on the significance of the hardiness personality. The first section will concern evidence regarding age.


Older individuals are less focused on the negative aspects of life as they age, which leads them to become more optimistic in life experiences. Hardiness would be an additional benefit to the optimism already possessed by older individuals. Younger individuals are still progressing through life with many unexpected life experiences awaiting them. Adjustment from adolescents to adulthood can be stressful and hardiness could be beneficial. The following study includes results that focus on age and hardiness.

Schmied & Lawler, (1986) examined what the impact of hardiness, type A personalities and stress is on secretarial working women. Eighty two secretaries between the age of 21 and 59 were the sample for the study. The mean age of these women was 35 years. Hardiness was measured using The Alienation from Work Scale, and The Alienation from Self scale to measure commitment, The Security Scale to measure challenge, and finally, the Internal versus External Locus of Control Scale and The Powerlessness Scale to measure control. The higher t...

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