My Leadership Style

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My Leadership Style
Some people are born leaders and some people have to learn how to be leaders. For someone to become a great leader they need to learn the concept of leadership styles and learn how to apply this concept into action. There are three leadership styles that one needs to know about in order to be a great leader. These leadership styles are ; democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire.
The first leadership style is democratic leadership. A democratic leadership is where you allow your group members, your employees to have a say in what happens. This type of leadership helps when trying to promote a sense of team, and giving the group confidence that their opinions are valued. Even though you do ask for their input in the decision making , you decide what the final say is going to be. The second leadership style is autocratic leadership. This leadership style is not hard to understand at all. In autocratic leadership you are the one who makes the decision. It is always your way or no way.

Finally the third leadership style is the laissez- faire leadership. This leadership style is also called permissive, nondirective, ultraliberal and delegative leadership style. Just like the name implies with this leadership style you always delegate and put someone else in charge of the task. This will definitely raise the level of confidence of the group and teach them how to be a leader themselves.

When I took an online leadership style assessment test I found out that my leadership style is Laissez- faire. Usually the problem with the permissive leadership is that it seems like there is no leader at all. What happens eventually in this case is that the group members start to take on leadership and respons...

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... own style and plus consider any improvements necessary in order to be a great leader.

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