My Incredible Discovery

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I am an archaeologist, a young one working with my professor. I believe I found with my natural propensity a wondrous, exhilarating, incredible discovery of the past. They indicate ancient people, probably Homo sapiens. The carbon dating I have found indicates they are around 25,000 years old. Specifically, the items I found are a skull, rib bones, and a leg bone. Furthermore I was by fate or destiny able to recover flower petals, a bone necklace, and sharpened flint weapon tips in a dug out hole with the bones. I also found some additional sharpened weapon tips and sharpened flint weapon tips arranged in a circle possibly a fire, dug out rock bowls near the circle, cave paintings of humans chasing dear with spears, large blanket like animal-hides and various smaller pieces, one carved statue of a large woman found deep in the cave with flower petals and animal bones.

In a reasonable hypothesis based on these people I believe these Homo sapiens survived through hunter-gathering. I am sure they used stationary food sources for example berries, fruits, mushrooms and insect larvae. Their primary source of food that is not fixated and more available that took mainly, deft, skilled hands with gracious dexterity, and knowledge and bow training, was rein deer, which provided proteins for them. They had a specific division of labor amongst cooks, gatherers, hunters, and more. The cooks would use the fire to heat up the food to make it easier to chew, and taste overall significantly better and engulf the food in some type of pasteurization. Of course, the Homo Sapiens back then probably did not have a basic understanding of microscopic organisms that can help, or harm the vessel. They also framed their game like hunters tod...

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...ccasionally, except when they were demonstrating worship to their sibylline, or god like figure and displayed an aptitude of structure that required them to be more meticulous hunters that were trained to not exhibit a disarray in their technique. Hunters did definitely not want to scrutinize their hunt, primarily because the world these people lived in followed the law of survival of the fittest more than present day and also boasted an executioner system as a form of their society’s law, or corrupted obstructed administering of justice. These Homo Sapiens had unique and ancient bone structure that is recognizable to our present technology, that’s different from Homo Erectus’s bone structure. Another major difference that was used to differentiate between these two is art, these people exhibited artists that would draw elated pictures of their hunters hunting game.

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