My Identity Crisis Essay

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Have you ever had an identity crisis? Most people have or will have an identity crisis at some point in their life. Most often, this happens during high school up into college. In my personal experience I had a bit of an identity crisis, but I never addressed it because I simply didn’t care, not until senior year College English that is. The event that occurred changed me as a person. This essay will explain the situation, how I changed, and how it contributed to who I am. Senior year College English class, were assigned an essay. The essay was supposed to be our own memoir. This event may not seem significant and it wasn’t, at first. I was able to write all of the paragraphs without any trouble, until I came to the last paragraph. This paragraph’s theme was to identify a single trait that …show more content…

Some of the dust has come off and you’re shining and it’s wonderful so you go and clean yourself off, but this time you shine like you’ve always wanted to because you knew what you didn’t before. This is what it felt like. I was able to write the paragraph and it helped me to know a little bit more about myself. This situation allowed me to finally know what defines me. That one thing is my passion. My passion exists in countless areas of my life. This experience has allowed me to see that I am passionate about everything. Reading is an area in which I find my passion take hold of. Reading brings entertainment and it moves me. I love to read articles about different topics to educate me further on a subject of interest or intermittently just to learn more out of a desire for knowledge. Such an intense passion is brought forth from within that I no matter how intensely I search I find myself unable to find the proper words that accurately describe my emotions. Being in the library and to be around books brings joy to me. The smell of books and the sound of the pages turning bring wondrous memories of stories I have read.

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