My Hatred For Writing: My Hatred In Writing

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My Hatred for Writing English has always been the biggest struggle in my education. The English language has so many rules, on how you write. So many that I struggle to comprehend. The hardest part has been being able to deal with trying to comprehend all of the rules that come with it. With all of the different grammar, punctuation, and spelling my mind gets so confused. Then words like conjunction, structure, formats, clauses, phrases, prepositions it comes in my mind sounding like rocket science. I have always had this problem, no matter how hard I have tried to comprehend it, it just does not stick. I have been a terrible writer pretty much my entire life. With much thanks, there has been many …show more content…

Throughout my elementary years, I can remember having to stay inside during recess. While everyone was outside playing, I was stuck inside and had to be tutored in language arts. They were to better my proficiency test scores. They also said it was to ensure I didn 't have to attend summer school. But summer school, language arts, was almost always a given for me. Spelling began to be my biggest road blocker. Still continues to be a huge problem I have. Sounding out the words just never sounded quite right in my head. They definitely didn 't connect well from my ears, to my brain, to the pen in my hand. Going into middle school, I knew it was going to be an …show more content…

We focused more on reading literature, advertisements and poems. I started to once again enjoy my English courses and thought The horrors of having someone read my bad writing were over. My junior year of high school, I had the most amazing English teacher. Mrs. Aleshire, she always had hope for me in everything I had done. She never gave me negative grades for things I did not understand. She would just sit me down and show me what I needed to work on. She would actually try and teach me how to fix it. Unlike many teachers I had before who would just give me a low grade, then leave it and move on without me fully understanding what I had done wrong. We wrote a lot of poems in her class. I had always enjoyed writing poems of my own. When it was just for my own enjoyment they didn 't have any rules. I wasn 't forced into coming up with thoughts, that was on a subject I had no interest in, those that caused my mind to freeze up then draw to a blank. One class period she had returned our poems we had written with the artwork. I didn 't receive mine back, but she asked me to see her at the end of the period. After class she had explained to me she loved the poem I had written for her assignment. She then asked me if she could keep it. She wanted to frame it, so she could give it as a wedding gift for a friend of hers. I was completely shocked, but extremely happy. I never had positive feedback

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