My Goals And Goals: My Love Of My Life

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I remember when I was a teenager constantly wanting to grow up. I always dreamed about living on my own, planning a wedding, and being a mom. Not many teenagers sit and think about their future, most are afraid of it. Afraid because they don’t want to screw it up, afraid because they don’t want to know the reality of horrible things to come. But for me, it was different. It was a matter of growing up, a matter of finally being able to take care of things on my own. I have many goals, but to accomplish these goals I have to get through the many obstacles that could get in the way. Even though, I am not finished creating my goals and aspirations, I already have many. Looking back I had always dreamed about having a life much like the one I have today in 2036. …show more content…

We had been together since my senior year of high school. I never thought I would be the one saying that my husband is my high school sweet heart, but here I am today living that reality. We really understand each other and although we have our ups and downs we always find a way to make it work. I believe that the secrete for a long relationship is not having a perfect harmonious love affair. It is not how less often you fight, not because of the number of similarities and the things you both like doing together nor the number of mistakes you have made. Those things count but it is the faith that keeps you going. A relationship will last if you are willing to not give up when things get tough, If both of you are willing to stand up and try every time one of you or both of you fall. You should not lose hope when you are struck with problems along the way. Give each other hope and hold on as long as you can. That’s how I am still able to say that I am with my high school

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