My Family: The Strongest Of The Family

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There are many people that know me and many that don’t. Well I have a twin sister named Mykaile. I have an older brother named Austin he is the oldest of the family kids. I love who I am and everything I do in life. My household is made up of 5 people my parents Gracie and Freddie Cade, my dad like to be called by his middle name his real name is Herbert Freddie Cade. Then there is my brother and sister. My sister and I most of the time got along, but my brother and I rarely got along mainly because we shared a room all of our lives. Well I was born to a poor family. We lived in a small mobile home (trailer). My parents were in one room and my brother in the other. After about one year we moved into a better home a double wide in the country. …show more content…

My older brother Austin was the one that was trying to be kind and was accidently hurting us, because we loved to hold his baby brother on his lap but mom always stepped in to make sure that he wasn’t hurting us while he was holding us. Every time we would go over to my Grandparents house they use to have pool but as the years went by they took it down left behind was a sand pit for the Grandkids to play in. we would spend hours at a time in that sand pit just playing. We would go inside just to eat lunch and dinner and there we went back outside to play until the day went by to the darkness. I loved the childhood that I had at the time of the toddler …show more content…

There is not one thing to I would want to change form that summer to the day that I am writing this essay. The experiences that I have been able to see and do are fantastic. I am grateful that I have been able to move in with the love of my life and see Hawaii the place I have been wanting to see for many year. I love being able to go to work every day and know that the day is going to be a good one because I know that the people that I am going to be working with are well behaved and are going to go get there work done before they go home. I love being able to come home to a beautiful girlfriend that is loving, caring, and nice to me know matter what mood I am in or what mood she is in. Everything so far in my life is the life that everyone was hoping that they will have I couldn’t ask for a better life than the one that I

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