My Experience: Comunicative Thinkers

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Everyday in our lives we use critical thinking skills and our perspectives to help us assess and handle situations carefully. Throughout my life I have been granted experiences that have helped me become a more logical, openminded, communicative thinker. My experience while in Honduras helped me strengthen my thinking skill of not making assumptions and jumping to conclusions and my experience with prejudices, stereotypes, and labeling helped me become better at communicating and handling my situations carefully. An experience that changed and also shaped my thinking of the worlds view was when my grandparents took me on a cruise at a young age to Honduras. Before the cruise, I had spent numerous hours searching the Internet viewing images …show more content…

Throughout my life I have had many run ins with people that have created a prejudgment of me and accused me of things based upon my skin color or they have made comments towards me that were very stereotypical. For example, when I was fifteen years old I entered a store with a hooded sweatshirt on because the weather outside was very frigid. Upon entering the store I realized that the store clerk had taken exceptional notice to me and that she had began to follow me around the store from aisle to aisle. Finally I had enough and I asked her why she had been following me and she told me that she wanted to make sure that I wasn 't stealing anything. The fact that she bluntly told me, infuriated me and I began to yell and she threatened to call the police if I didn 't get out of the store. Once she said that I looked around at my surroundings and saw that there were children in the store and their looks of fear with their eyes locked upon me as if i were a monster. When people make these comments or stereotype because of my gender, race, age and other variables it really does take a toll on me in a sense that it makes me act irrationally and make decisions that could negatively impact my life. As a critical thinker you are supposed to assess situations carefully and communicate with others to solve problems but instead I would become angry and

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