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Concept of worldview
Worldview of Christianity
Define your worldview
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My core value After reviewing the worldviews in this course, I now have a substantive view of life. I could say yes indeed I hold a Christian worldview. A Christian worldview is a way of thinking that is Christ Center. This may involve trusting and believing Jesus Christ as the core of your life. My core values involve believing and trusting on the word of God. From instructions to promises, every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is worthy of receiving with faith and obedience. For example, there are healing scripture to believe in. when we receive the word of God in faith, we are operating in faitha worldview. Christians carry the belief that they are victorious in all aspect of life. I am going to discuss a personal scenario in my life. One day I was not feeling good, I feeling fatigue at work. I kept asking my self why am I feeling this way. Well, I went to the doctor, and he required that I take off work. I ask God, “ Lord how are my bills going to be paid? Further, several months pass and all of my bills were in delinquent. My rent was 1700 dollars behind. Everyone in my family was telling me that I was going to be evicted. I …show more content…
Therefore the culture values are primarily set upon financial gain. The values of my culture will benefit my ministry in several ways. First it gives me a clear vision of the struggles of my culture. I will show them the importance of just trusting solely in God for increase. I will inform them to ask the Lord to help us develop a mind that is Christ center and to look solely to God increase. The culture value helps me find slogans for my ministry. My slogan will be “trusting God to meet my every need”. That’s the main idea I will present the slogan in the midst of my culture. I will convey a message that will challenge the culture. I will say in the midst of a financial lack, “would you trust in the Lord. If you pay him tithes as a sign of your faith God will bless your
The Christian faith focuses on the orientation of the human heart behind human thoughts and actions. Living by faith is a beautiful alternative to the way people think of themselves and the way they live in relation to others in their daily lives (Merrick, 2014). Christians see themselves in terms of God’s profound love for them but not in terms of what they do. The teachings of the Christian faith; nonviolence, non-retaliation, inward integrity, selflessness, and love your neighbor as yourself provide the framework for ethical thinking. Although, adopting belief in Christianity can bring forth confusion in the heart and mind causing agony of learning to sacrifice one’s rightful claims for personal justice for the restoration of another (Merrick, 2014). Unconditional forgiveness is difficult to understand because spiritual forgiveness and actual costly forgiveness is viewed as the same in the gospel. If you do not forgive, then one does not have faith in God’s forgiveness as it really is. Christianity influences a person thinking and behavior developing wisdom which requires faith. The faith that is needed to reorient the heart away from selfishness to selflessness.
A Christian worldview leads us to believe in moral absolutes, miracles, human dignity, and the possibility of redemption. True Christianity is more than a set of ideas used at church. Christianity, as taught in the Bible, is itself a worldview. The Bible never dis...
My own definition of worldview is set of beliefs about the most important issues in life and my reaction to it. While in agreement with Jeff Baldwin’s eyeglass concept, I choose to compare my Christian worldview to an internal navigational system. When I am lost and need to be found, Christ is omnipresent. He knows my location and guides me into another direction. “It’s a roadmap, a guide for getting around in life, for interpreting reality, and for making choices” (The Importance of Worldview, 2011, p.11). Hopefully my final destination will be in the “city of gold, as clear as glass” (NLT, Revelation, 21:18).
The biblical worldview is essentially the integration of fundamental biblical teachings to become a meaningful and unified response to the routine opportunities and challenges of modern life. An individual wholly inscribed into a biblical worldview projects a belief system that the core purpose of existence is to love and serve the Lord God alone. Essentially, a Christian worldview is formed in reference of the infallible living Word of God (Tackett, 2014). After a believer fully believes the living Word of God then allows it to form the basis of everything in their life. That implies, for instance, that when a believer chooses to pursue Romans 13 to respect people in authority then must take priority in voting and electing new leaders into power. A bible believing person should lead a life that portrays the biblical teachings and truths. As practical Christians our gut reaction should be limited to the biblical established truths (Wayne, 2014).
All people have a worldview that is based on personal beliefs forming their reality and what they feel is meaningful in life. I am a Christian of faith that has a biblical worldview, which is based on the word of God. The Book of Romans 1-8 provides the word of God and answers for how Christians can live a righteous life for our savior Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, my worldview encapsulates the fact that a God exists and he has created the human race in his image. Being created in his image, I am bestowed with God’s character of love, kindness, righteousness, forgiveness, and all other great attributes expressed by him. Our duty as those who claim the title “Christian” is to live with a Christ like attitude and to walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. I need to put my knowledge, talents, and skills to work for Christ till his return. The choice to live my life for him is what gives my life meaning and purpose.
Our worldview defines who we are. In religion, the Christian Worldview is part of a Monotheistic worldview which is part of the three worldviews families which also includes, Pantheism and Atheism. Christianity is special in the Monotheistic view as we believe that Jesus Christ provided us with Salvation; a notion not shared by Muslims and Jews. In this paper, I will explain the essential elements of the Christian Worldview, why faith in Jesus Christ is an essential part of our lives here on earth, and how my faith has impacted my life.
A Christian life is Christian when you have faith that God has a plan for you and that in the end the plan will work out in your favor. As a Christian I do believe that God has a plan for me that in the end it will work out in my favor and I have to have patience. Sometimes I must reassure myself that God has my back and he is looking out for my best interest in the long run. I believe that everyone, at least once, has had a hard time to understand something has happened to them and to have the faith to believe that it is God’s plan for your life. In the long run, I do believe that everything that has happened this far in my life has happened in the benefit for me and has also shaped me to be the person that I am today. Many people think that they can’t
One of my core beliefs and values as a person is that much of the learning we do as people comes from being pushed out of out comfort zones. The best way to grow is to test the limits of what we’ve grown accustomed to, and undoubtedly you experience this when you travel and live outside of the country. For most of my Freshman year, college itself has been where I have been doing a lot of growing. I moved away from home, all the way across the country, experienced culture shock, and took classes I would have previously shied away from. However, now that I am closing in on the end of Spring Quarter, I am looking for new ways to expand my worldview now that UW feels like home. I am ready to do more growing.
Describe your understanding of the social work profession and its core values. How have you incorporated social work values in your human service experiences and interactions with others? What significant relationships and life experiences have you had in giving or receiving help that have motivated you to enter the field of social work? What personal qualities equip you for the social work profession? Discuss your experiences and feelings about the working with populations different from your own.
Values in my opinion should determine your priorities, and they’re probably the measures, you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. Knowing your own values can help you make decisions about how to live your life. The values that I believe in play a very important role in my life. These important values have been greatly influenced by my family and life experiences. My core values include family, health, knowledge, happiness, friendship, loyalty, trust, hard work, honesty, and learning.
There has always been some sort of Christianity in history. Always new ways of doing things with each generation that comes of age. The changes that are made have not been with the conception of destroying the established ways but with establishing a continuity to preserve what is now and what is new. This is known as the preservation of type or the first note of fidelity of the existing developments of Christianity also known as the Principles of Christianity. There are three particular principles that I find to be intriguingly fascinating.
Cosgrove describes a worldview as “a set of assumptions or beliefs about reality that affect how we think and how we live” (p. 19). A person’s worldview has been molded from the day they were born by family, friends, media, and even strangers. Worldviews are important because they allow us to “develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s non-biblical ideas” (Tackett). Our actions also tend to mimic our beliefs—for example, if you believe that there is life after death like Christians do, your priorities should reflect your dedication to follow Christ and not be of this world (John 15:19 NLT). As I have learned more and more about worldviews in this class, particularly a Christian worldview, I have the opportunity to look back on what my worldview was and how it has changed.
My core educational values define what I believe is necessary tools students need to be successful. Such values are provided by the community of people (educators, parents, business partners) who touch the students’ lives. I value knowledge because without awareness of specific content, students are not able to truly feel a part of society. I value development of skills in order for students to apply their knowledge. When skills are applied, students demonstrate their knowledge and ability to function in our current world. I value critical thinking in our students so they can extend their knowledge and skills to solve complex problems benefitting our present and future. I value citizenship and feel that education has a responsibility to model and nurture character qualities in our students. Educating students is raising them equipped with tools that will enable them to function as contributing participants in a productive society. Knowledge, skills, critical thinking, and citizenship are educational values at the core of developing a student ready for the world’s challenges.
My personal vision of the future is not something I have taken a significant amount of time to ponder in the past. I have general ideas of where I see myself both personally and professionally in future but have not identified specific steps to get there or pondered why I want to be in that situation. When taking on this somewhat daunting task of identifying my future self it is important to identify my driving values, philosophy, dreams, and my personal calling. Self-reflection on these characteristics and preferences are key to a developing a successful picture of the future.