Physical Therapy Case Study

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Introduction My field of interest once I graduate from WCU is physical therapy. This care specialty uses biomechanics, manual and exercise therapy, electrotherapy, and various other therapy techniques to remediate injuries and impairments, as well as promote mobility. There are several types of physical therapy, including orthopedic, pediatric, geriatric, neurological, pulmonary, and cardiovascular. The field of physical therapy was established in Britain during the late 19th century. Then, in 1921, Mary McMillan established the American Women’s Physical Therapeutic Association, which later became the American Physical Therapist Association. I chose the path to physical therapy because I love helping people, and it seems very interesting to me. Being involved in sports and exercise almost my entire life, I can easily relate to the treatments/therapy athletes go through when injured. Now I would like to see what it’s like through the eyes of the caregiver. I plan to pursue PT graduate school after WCU and then eventually have my own PT office, or work in a clinical setting. Physical therapy, like a …show more content…

Generally, the context in such texts is the background information of the patient, subjective/objective finding, previous therapy/medical conditions, and history of present illness(es). History and background information of the patient differs from the rest of the document because it “lays the foundation”. It is written like an introduction, with such a purpose. These areas of the report are delving into the past, while the treatment plan and goals refer to the future. The context provided in reports and evaluations lets the audience, who is the patient or other doctors and specialists, know the circumstances of the situation. This is an example of a patient history section in a progress report (MT Sample

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