My Attachment Style Assessment

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After I took the Attachment Style Test online, my attachment style fell into the first quadrant which is the Secure Attachment pattern. This attachment style tends to have low level of anxiety and low level of avoidance. So far I don 't agree with this result because it doesn 't match my personality now. According to my results of The Attachment Style test, my attachment - related anxiety score is 3.61, on a scale ranging from 1 to 7 and my attachment - related score is 3.47 which is also on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. As I can see, I got a perfect space to fit into the secure attachment pattern, but in reality I don’t think it’s true about me. I said that because the children who used to have Secure Attachment as they grow up, they’re more I believe my adult attachment is linked to my childhood style attachment because it is similar to each other at least seventy percents. Since I was a child, I prefered to play alone or I could play with others, but they had to ask me out first. The only reason was I’m afraid people would ignore me. Following those attitudes toward myself, I guess my attachment style would be one of the Insecure style- Avoidant Attachment which has high level of anxiety but low level of avoidance in both my childhood and adulthood. There are some people who live with their attachment for the whole entire lives, but some will change their attachment style depends on the changing of environment and the awareness of themselves. If a person was growing up with one of the Insecure Attachment, they might turn to be a cold- hearted person, mistrust, angry, rejecting, or bully. But as being adult and that person found someone (friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. ) who understands them, tries to open out his or her soul, and makes them believe that there still has someone who loves and cares about him or her, he or she may change to a different person in a better But with my Childhood Attachment turned into my personality, it’s tough for me to change myself to be an open up person. Finally, I found him- my current boyfriend who isn’t not only my dating, but he’s also my best friend. He pushed me to the real world and help me stay away from my larva of avoidance by making me not to hide my feelings and advising me often talk to people around to create new relationships. I gradually changed, I found life was better when I connected with people. Even though it was just a small step compare with my whole life, I think my attachment will improve as long as I have enough effort and good environments. As my experience, Insecure Attachment styles aren’t permanent, everybody can change it, but it’ll be more difficult to overcome when the attachment becomes apart of personalities as people are growing older. The reason is when people used to have their attitudes for too long, they cannot escape from it immediately, but I believe time, effort, and environment are required to change someone’s attachment style from insecure to secure, or at least some positive changes like

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