Personal Essay: Music's Power

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Music Holds Power Throughout the ages, music has been an integral part of individuals and society. Why has this practice withstood the tests of time? I believe it is because of the great power that it holds. I believe in that power. Music lifts the broken-hearted, celebrates with the joyful, can soften the hearts of the most impenetrable of souls, aides in expressing the inexpressible, and can even intensify feelings of love, hate, anger, joy, happiness, and intrigue. Music serves as one of the most effective forms of expression, communication, and therapy that we have. Years ago, my world was shattered and my heart was broken into a million pieces. I honestly did not know how I would ever heal. Even though time does eventually heal all hearts (or at least dull the pain), I was completely lost as to how I would even survive from day to day. A dagger was constantly sharp and throbbing in my chest; hands were squeezing cruelly around my lungs; my mind raced to try to find some corner of thought that would bring relief, but to no avail. One particularly hard moment was while captive in a car with other people. Social norms dictated that I could not completely fall apart in their presence. Finally, I was given …show more content…

I used to think I must be exceptionally good at reading expressions and situations, as I always knew when something bad was about to happen while enjoying a movie. I finally realized that it was the music that would communicate what was about to happen, not my sixth sense. Before I made this realization, I would yell at the screen, “No! Duh! If you hear a noise, don’t go towards it!” But without the sharp, staccato screeching, my commentary would be, “Oh, you’re fine; just go!” Think of the initially slow, low brass sound that gradually accelerates: dunnnn dunn …. dunnnn dunn … dun dun, dun dun, dun dun, da da da DA! There must be a shark in the water! Who knew that music could communicate something so

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