Music Effects: The Positive Effects Of Music And Its Effects

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Music Effects…
When thinking about music one might not think twice about it. Yet, it is a form of art that connects with people in many ways. People are surrounded by music in their everyday life, whether it’s from taking the elevator up to work in the morning, or using headphones just to be secluded from the noisy world. People also listen to music daily, during their every day routines; carting around smart phones, carrying gigabytes of music. Some listen to music intentionally, for instance while driving; working out, studying, boredom…etc. Now at the same time people also listen to music in order to concentrate; think, relax, communicate a vibe, control emotions, dance, create an identity…etc. The listed intentions to listen to music are …show more content…

The connection between these parts of the brain is that it affects ones emotion; the mood of someone. Mood is a temporary state of mind or feeling. Mood plays a vital role within music. While listening to music it generates certain types of feelings, depending of the type of music that is being listened to. A medical website explains that music has the ability to have psychotherapeutic benefits (eMed). Many doctors use music as therapy and they believe there are many more benefits to listening to music. One might ask, what kinds of benefits are being …show more content…

To provide just a few examples, the first one deals with pain relief. As stated before one of the emotions that music is capable of generating is relief. When one is dealing with pain management, music is an option to turn to for aid. Music can help with the suffering and awareness of pain. A couple theories go along with music and pain. First music may be relaxing by slowing down breathing and heartbeat. Also it can also cause the body to release endorphins to counteract pain; ultimately allowing one to forget about the pain that they are in. Although the argument regarding pain and music may be believable, research regarding music and the mind provides, to a large extent, more studies and more

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