Multidisciplinary Collaboration Essay

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Multidisciplinary collaboration effect on clinical decision making Collaborative care is a team effort that its continuity is not possible by one person alone (Hall, Weaver, Gravelle & Thibault, 2007). Coordination, communication and working together are crucial for effective care. Multidisciplinary collaboration is defined as a complex phenomenon that is often formed between two or more people from various professional fields to achieve common goals (Houldin, Naylor, & Haller, 2004).

Collaboration effect on improved patient outcomes Surveys performed by hospitals & clinics post patient disposition have shown that patients directly benefit and have better outcomes when then professionals, us, taking care of them get along and talk to each …show more content…

Fear of medical treatment is a real issue, not only for children but also our adult patients; known as iatrophobia. Iatrophobia or the fear of doctors is a blood-needle-injury type phobia. It is quite common in young children, though many adults are also known to suffer from it. The word Iatrophobiais derived from “Iatros” which is Greek for 'healer' and Phobos which means 'deep dread or fear' (Dunphy, Et. Al., 2017). Irrational or not, it can be very real for patients and must be treated as any other phobia.
Five best ways to promote professional collaboration in pediatric primary care
Formally introduce oneself to caregivers, patient and anyone else attending the visit and shake hands, high five or fist bump whatever is accepted by patient and caregivers. This is a good way to ascertain whom is in the room and roles they play in the care of the patient.
In today’s society the traditional family model is not so common in all households. It may be a Mother-Father biological, extended family, blended family, or Mother-Mother/Father –Father type of household. Just accept, acknowledge and move on with the

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