Mr. Hossack Murder Case Study

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While reading the case about Mr.Hossack 's murder i saw the wife, Mrs.Hossack, as innocent at first. The children all claimed that the two did not argue for over a year, so why would she kill him now verses a year ago? When the youngest child, Ivan Hossack, came to the stand and "told his story in a straight, unhesitating manner" it made it easier for me to believe in Mrs. Hossack 's innocence. The child even said that he saw his mother aiding his father when he called out for help. If she had been the one to swing the axe, why would she help him and risk getting in trouble? Most importantly, if he was conscious and talking, why wouldn 't he say who to murderer was? He could have easily identified his wife in the dark after being married for over twenty years, and yet he didn 't identify who had tried to kill him. Dr. Dean first stated that the axe did not hit the speech portion of the brain, so he could have been conscious and yelling out for his wife. Dean later stated that the fatal blow from the axe would have left Mr.Hossack unconscious. The murder weapon had blood on in and apparent hairs stuck to one side; "Prof. John L. Tilton of Simpson college... was unable to say definitely that the hair had been …show more content…

and Mrs. Hossack had talked about separation the year before. During the late 1800 's and early 1900 's divorce was very frowned upon. The religious people saw it as breaking a promise to God after standing in front of him while promising to love one another "for better or for worse." The murder could have been someone of Mrs. Hossack 's side of the family because if the separation was to happen, she wouldn 't get much of the land they once shared. Divorce is more socially acceptable today. Now it seems like no one can hold together a marriage. They just have the mindset that they can divorce their spouse and find a new one later on. Most marriages end because of fights regarding money and

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