Motivation v. Ability In A Successful Competitive Performance

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Motivation v. Ability In A Successful Competitive Performance

In a successful performer it needs to have two key areas to achieve a

successful competitive performance. This includes

· Motivation - limits performance, in that you are more likely to

perform well if you are highly motivated, while your performance may

be poor if you have no enthusiasm for it.

· Ability - Is the underlying factors, which are largely predetermined

genetically - via skill development techniques.

When considering whether, motivation is more important than ability or

vice versa, you have to look at the types of personalities of the

performer, and if the intended sport is an intense sport.

Motivation can be given either through intrinsic or extrinsic methods.

· Intrinsic motivation is the internal drives to participate or

perform well. This can be emotional feeling about the sport e.g. Fun,

Enjoyment in participating and satisfaction from playing a particular


· Extrinsic motivation - these factors are powerful when learning new

skills and whether you a performer what to prefect it.

- External rewards come as medals, badges and prizes.

As a sports leader a pupils personalities can either help or hinder

there motivation and their ability via learning of new skills. Many

theories have been produced on this and the main one is the "Nach Or


· "Nach" personality types are characterised by

v High task persistence

v Ability to complete a task quickly

v Welcoming Feedback about the results.

· "Naf" personality types are characterised by

v Give up easily

v Take their time to complete personal tasks

v Not wanting to receive feedback about their previous performance.

Achievement motivation is related to a performer's reaction to

competition. There are two types of motives - need to achieve (Nach) &

need to avoid failure (Naf). Both types of behaviour are to occur in a


Ego oriented personality types believe that ability is important but

task oriented people regard effort as more important.

[IMAGE]Performance may be said to equal learning plus motivation.

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