Mongolism In Russia And China

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With the invasion of the Mongols, they interrupted many great post classical civilizations but at the same time, they also renewed and extended the global network. The Mongols were the mightiest war machine around during the time period of 600-1450 C.E. and they greatly affected China and Russia both politically and economically. Politically, religions were tolerated and there was centralized power in both regions. However, the Mongols allowed Russia to govern themselves with the help of Russian princes whereas China was under direct Mongol rule. Russia and China remained similar economically because both populations were taxed by the Mongols and safe travel on the Silk Road encouraged international trade. On the other hand, due to Russia’s isolation because of the takeover of the Mongols, China flourished under trade while Russia was cut off from Western Europe. When the Mongols invaded Russia and China, they wanted to conquer as much land as possible so they had to appeal more to societies to become more powerful which in turn led to religious toleration in both regions. The Mongols were open to new ideas and they wanted diverse people to live together in peace and harmony. This toleration is shown in China due to the fact that they invited Confucian scholars to the capital, Karakorum, to advise on how to rule China. Similar to the Chinese, Christianity was tolerated in Russia and the Orthodox Church was soon strengthened. With choosing Moscow as the seat of Orthodox leaders, Russian princes flourished in wealth because they were the tribute collectors for the Mongols. New religious settlements were also established all throughout Russia and China which serves as another example of the Mongol’s religious toleration. Another po... ... middle of paper ... ...t which led to China’s prosperous economy and trade flourishing. With the isolation of Russia, it deprived them from involvement in the Renaissance which resulted in no advancement. One reason that explains this is that the Mongols did not want Russia getting any ideas from the West and they also didn’t want Russia to rebel against them. China however, was connected to many people conquered by the Mongols so therefore, they had more connections with foreign influences. Both Russia and China were affected by Mongol rule similarly with the Mongol’s religious toleration, centralized power, taxation of the population, and safe travel in trade routes. However, they also contrasted in several ways such as the organization of their governments and the opening to outside, foreign influences. The invading Mongols helped make Russia and China into what they are now today.

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