Influence Of Technology On Human Virtues

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Virtues and Technology
Modern technology played a huge role in transforming the daily life of plenty of people in the developed world. Currently, Smartphones, Internet, and social media are noticeably responsible about setting methods to modify production, connecting people, and assisting them in building their self-representation. Our digital information and online profiles in social media may be the official representatives of our social status and capital. For instance, throughout their databases, the big new technology producers such as Apple and Google were capable of defining many habits of users as a result of an existing consumer culture. Also, the dependence of modern economy on online stores and banking has made the online world an …show more content…

People in modern societies communicate with each other online. They use online recourses and applications to share their ways of thinking and ideas, follow up with their schedules using digital notes, and rely on smartphone GPS to track their moves. Nowadays, new technologies are remarkably used in most of the human activities directly and indirectly. I will demonstrate that the use of smartphones, the Internet, and social media have negatively challenged some basic human virtues that were advocated by traditional ethical philosophies and suggest some possible responses to the threat.
Before the discussion about the influence of technology on human personality, it is very important to indicate what the nature of technology is and how we should comprehend the human nature. Generally, technology is usually defined as an independent phenomenon or as a tool in the hand of humans. The approach that supports the independent existence of technology claims that technological phenomena shape human experience and self as relatively independent factors that have their own importance and humans cannot control it. In the other hand, there are some philosophy scholars who admit the independence nature of the role that technology plays, such as Hans Jonas, argue that digital artifacts have change the human nature of acting. For …show more content…

I argue that it harmfully affects lives of people because technology violates individual privacy and ruin moral development of a person. Technology replaces true virtues with illusions of fulfillment, desires, and connection. It wrongly redefined the concept of friendship that is consisted of deep empathy, reciprocity, knowledge of self, and the shared life. Moreover, it reduces people to contented supplements of devices. To win back some of the human fundamental virtues, people have to reconsider both the dominant social relationships in the society in and technology they

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