Modern Day Mexico Research Paper

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Life in modern day Mexico Although there are places that can take your breath away, this country is with its breathtaking scenery is at the top of the list. The country that has 68 official languages. These amazing languages are what make the country of Mexico the first place that will take your breath away. Mexico is located south of the U.S. and has massive amounts of amazing geography. The United States borders Mexico on the north. Mexico is also named after the Mexica one of the seven Nahuatl tribes that inhabit the central region of the country. (“Modern Day Mexico”). The majority of races that covers Mexico is mostly indian or hispanic, but the main language spoken in Mexico is spanish. But the most immigration to the United States is from Mexico. (“Fun Mexico Facts for kids”). Mexico is the largest spanish-speaking country and the second-largest Roman Catholic nation in the world. There are about 51% of the hispanic people are mestizos. The Government is just like the United States government. They vote for someone that wants to be president and they become president. (“Modern Day Mexico”). The religion of mexico is the Roman Catholic. Over 93% of Mexico is Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholic came over to Mexico years ago. (“Modern Day Mexico”). Around 82% of Mexico claims them as Catholic. The traditions are different from the United States. The food is corn, corn tortillas, chili peppers, and a type of pork sausage called chorizo. Many hispanics love spicy foods full of flavor. Soda is a very popular drink there in Mexico. Many may not think of Mexico as a place that fosters high fashion, but many fashion designers hail from Mexico. (“Mexican Culture: Customs and …show more content…

“Mexican culture: Customs and traditions.”. 10 Feb. 2015.
Web. 05 May 2016.
“Mexico facts for kids.” Science Kids, 01 Feb. 2016. Web. 03 May 2016.
Welker, Glenn. ”Modern Day Mexico.” Web. 02 May

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