What Is The Importance Of Art Essay

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Reflecting back on my childhood days, I remember that people used to say that in a kid 's life, art was very important; given that I was a young child, the representation of art for me came inside the boxes of crayons, coloring books, and paint brushes accompanied by a piece of paper that gave freedom to my imagination, and fed my desire to be creative. It wasn 't until very late in my life, however, that I realized that art was so much more than just a combination of colors, shapes, themes, or symbols; I came to understand, that both modern day and old age art have the ability to illustrate certain sociological issues such as racism, and how through it, it is possible to see how certain social groups are made inferior; while at the same time it is possible to understand the sociological struggles that are currently taking place in their respective communities. …show more content…

Whiteness has impacted many aspects of humanity; I want you to think back to your first, second, and even third grade art classes. The theme of art always seems to be the same, or at least to me it seems this way. Art in elementary and middle schools is always structured around making white culture seem as the only acceptable thing, one which has a beautiful sunset, a dog, a family of three, and a house standing behind a beautiful and colorful garden. As I think back to my experiences with art and analyze the context I have learned in class, it is rare, that art is utilized to illustrate the struggles, social challenges, and lack of resources of minority groups living in disadvantaged

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